Thursday, July 9, 2009

How Alcohol Addiction Recovery Programs Work

When a person compulsively needs alcohol constantly without ability to control the intake of alcohol, the person is said to an alcohol addict. Alcohol addiction is not just a personal problem; it is a problem which affects lot of people around the alcohol addicts, hence it is considered to be a social problem. This has forced experts from various fields to come together and chalk out alcohol addiction recovery program, which has three main phases or recovery stages. This article will tell you what are the three alcohol addiction recovery stages are what the logic behind them is.

The first stage of an alcohol addiction recovery program is aimed at taking away the person from alcohol. There is no other simpler way. Alcohol affects certain parts of brain giving the person a feeling or euphoria. This feeling is pleasant for the person and in order to stay in same state of mind for longer duration, the person starts consuming more alcohol. This leads to alcohol addiction. The first stage of alcohol addiction recovery is to remove the alcohol from person’s body and teach the body to survive without alcohol. In this stage the addict is also given the knowledge of alcohol addiction, get social support, and work out a relapse prevention plan.

Since each individual is different, the first phase may last anywhere between two weeks to two years. Second stage of alcohol addiction recovery takes the first stage to the next level by honing the skills acquired during first stage of alcohol addiction recovery program, which is abstinence. This stage of alcohol addiction recovery program also tries to find out the reason behind alcohol addiction. Only when the root cause is eliminated, the addict can lead a normal life.

Getting help in alcohol addiction is the only way out. The third stage of alcohol addiction recovery program is all about that. Once the problems are identified, it is time to address them and get rid of them permanently. It is also seen that the relapse prevention plan is effective and is working. It is often found that low self-esteem, childhood abuse, emotional issues are the reasons behind alcohol addiction. Eliminating them all together is the only solution and the third phase aims at it. Slowly the addict is also introduced to the normal life through family and friends. Only when the addict stays away from alcohol and is able to lead a healthy social life, it is said that the alcohol addiction recovery program has been successful.

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