Thursday, July 16, 2009

Better Health With A Homemade Colon Cleanse

Colon cleansing is becoming an increasingly popular way to detoxify the body. Many people who complete a colon cleanse report better health. Many minor health problems they have such as bad breath, irregular bowel movements, bad skin, and excess body weight have greatly improved with a colon cleanse.

Walk into any health food store and you will find colon cleansing kits. However it is not necessary to purchase one, you can make a homemade colon cleanse at home for a fraction of the price of most cleansing kits. It is also less complicated than some kits that are hard to follow, especially if you are very busy.

The main aim of a homemade colon cleansing diet or homemade colon cleanse is to eliminate toxins in the body. That is why the most effective ingredients that you can use in a homemade colon cleanse are Bentonite clay and psyllium husk. Both these ingredients are essential for effectively helping your body to detoxify.

Bentonite clay becomes extremely porous when it absorbs water; this has the benefit of absorbing toxins in your body. Psyllium husk on the other hand is a good source of dietary fiber; it is not absorbed into the body. Combined in a homemade colon cleanse you can effectively flush your body of any toxins.

To start your homemade colon cleanse you will need to mix a teaspoon of Bentonite clay, and a teaspoon of psyllium husk into a glass of water. You will need to drink a second glass of water after this. You should take this homemade colon cleanse either two hours before or after eating.

Depending on your health and age you may want to carry out the cleanse for as little as two weeks or as long as a month. The older you are the longer you will have to use the homemade colon cleanse. For the first three days you should take this mixture once a day.

You will gradually increase the amount of times you take the homemade colon cleanse. By the fourth and fifth day you should be taking once in the morning and once at night before bed. You will then increase the amount of times you take it to three times a day on the sixth day.

From day seven onwards you should be taking the natural colon cleanse four times a day. In addition to the cleansing you should be drinking plenty of water. Drink more water than you usually do to keep your body hydrated.

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