Monday, July 13, 2009

The Deadly Effects of Cigarette Smoke

If you are a smoker, and even if you just live with someone or are around other people who do, then you should really take the time to learn about cigarette smoke and the devastating effects that it can have on the body. Probably the most dangerous thing of all is that the majority of people out there today don’t even have a clue as to just how serious cigarette smoke is.

Especially if you are a smoker, you are probably not going to want to hear this, but you should always be aware of what you are putting into your body. It is not as though people are forcing other people to smoke, it is just a matter of the problem that once someone starts smoking and becomes addicted to the nicotine and cigarette smoke, it can be incredibly hard for them to stop smoking.

It is more than the fact that cigarette smoke removal from your car is going to be incredibly difficult if not impossible to do, because cigarette smoke is so strong and potent that you would really have to bring it in to a professional cleaner and even then there may be nothing they can do.

There is more importance though than the smoke staining your clothes, car and teeth. There is your health that is in danger here. Cigarettes are the number one cause of several kinds of cancer, including lung cancer, and so you should be thinking about this every time you are lighting up.

Not only are you putting yourself and your own health at risk, but also that of your children if you have any, and they are in the home. A lot of the time smokers make wrong assumptions or just get misguided on things and do not realize that what they are doing is harmful to others as well as to themselves.

For instance, if you are smoking and you think that just by going out on your back deck or outside when you have a smoke and then come back in that you are not causing danger to your children, you are incorrect.

You are actually bringing almost all of the chemicals of the cigarette smoke back in with you, so don’t be fooled. Therefore if you are a smoker you have to realize that you are not only putting yourself at risk but also everyone that you live with as well.

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