Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Cause of Female Hair Loss

Female hair loss is generally known as androgenic alopecia that in turn is also known as female baldness pattern. There are several possible causes of female hair loss including hormones, genes and aging though female hair loss is a problem that is not the same as is noticed among men that lose their hair. Female hair loss is typically seen as being thinning of the hair on top of the scalp as well as on the sides of the head and this in turn leads to baldness.

A single hair grows at an average rate of about half an inch per month and each hair typically grows for two to six year after which it rests and then falls out leaving room for fresh hair to grow in its place. What’s more, at any given point of time fifteen percent of the hair on a female’s head will be resting while the remaining eighty-five percent of the hair will be in a growing mode. Hair that falls away and which is not replaced with new hair leads to baldness.

Cause of female hair loss are still being researched though there no doubts the fact that the problem of female hair loss is closely related to the genes as well as to aging and even to levels of hormones.

When androgen hormones change at a rapid rate they are then believed to be one of the causes of female hair loss. A woman in a menopause phase will suffer from changes in hormones which lead to hair loss and at the same time there is no fresh hair growing to replace the lost hair. Another possible cause of female hair loss is feeling excessive stress which in turn might develop for different reasons including undergoing surgery, having a serious illness or because of anemia or experiencing too much of weight changes in a very short span of time.

Discontinuing the taking of birth control pills has also often been cited as a possible cause of female hair loss. The same is the case when a woman experiences emotional stress that can develop on account of mental illnesses as well as because of bereavement in the family.

In case a woman notices excessive and continuous female hair loss then it is time that she began searching for a suitable female hair loss remedy. The best person to recommend such a remedy would be a doctor who will conduct skin biopsy or some other type of procedure that aids in diagnosing the condition.

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