To really get an in-depth understanding of what complementary alternative medicine is, it is first of all necessary to make a difference between what complementary medicines is and what alternative medicine is. The former helps a person by being used along with conventional medications. Examples of it include Tai Chi as well as massages that can often provide useful benefits to a person taking medications to control their anxiety.
The latter of course is used instead of conventional medications and typically it would involve consulting a homeopath instead of going to see a general physician. The good news however is that today more and more doctors that use conventional means to treat their patients are learning about the benefits of complementary alternative medicine. This newfound interest in complementary alternative medicine is a result of the fact that there are high percentages of people that are already trying out complementary alternative medicine.
There are also certain fundamental principles on which complementary alternative medicine is based. These include prevention being the best way of ensuring good health; your body can adequately heal itself and so alternative medicine is prescribed to facilitate this natural healing. Also, healing and learning are complementary to one another and so a person that practices complementary alternative medicine will see them as both facilitators as well as educators.
Finally, complementary alternative medicine also focuses on providing holistic medical care. So the focus is to treat a person as an entire entity rather than simply concentrating on their ailments – whether they be physical, mental or even spiritual.
Some examples of complementary alternative medicine include the use of traditional style Chinese medicines, Ayurveda, homeopathy, naturopathy as well as certain ancient medicines that have been practiced over the ages in China, Asia, Pacific Islands, Tibet and by Native American Indians.
Besides the above-mentioned healing systems, complementary alternative medicine also includes mind-body techniques such as meditation, yoga, biofeedback, prayer, hypnosis and other relaxation therapies. In addition, complementary alternative medicine also includes taking dietary supplements and herbal remedies. It also utilizes manipulation and touch such as chiropractic, spinal manipulation, massages and other types of therapy.
The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine is an outstanding medical journal that has been published since the year 1995 out of New York. It provides outstanding reports and analyses on various kinds of treatments that fall outside the purview of traditional and evidence based medicines. Needless to say, this Journal is very popular and many interested people – both professional and otherwise – read it with great interest to find out the latest information on complementary alternative medicine.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Alternative Medicine: Get Control of Your Stress Naturally
Our lives today have become very hectic, filled with pressure and stress. Often it is hard to find a suitable means of finding release that will help us relax and unwind. This leads to more pressure on the nervous system that in fact increases from one day to the next. If the nervous system is unable to get back to normalcy there will be many illnesses to contend with. Stress over a longer period of time can make a person nervous, and his or her heart might begin palpitating. Anxiety as well as panic disorders will be knocking at the door as well.
Alternative medicine has much to offer in the way of health tips for getting these problems under control. It has been found to be effective and the success rate is high – far higher than in the case of conventional medicines. It is also very safe to use in most cases. Alternative medicine can be used even if you need to take several different medications. Even if these medications are being taken for treating side effects which often develop after having taken drug-based medicines.
Herbs play an important role in alternative medicine. There are in fact numerous herbal remedies that lend themselves well to treating anxiety and panic disorders. These herbal remedies provide proper nourishment to the nervous system and they also help in calming the mind and relaxing the body. This helps you cope with stress from daily living that much better.
Alternative medicine is based on examining and then correcting faults and deficiencies in how we live from day to day. No doubt, it is not possible to live life without any form of stress or anxiety; however, alternative medicine helps to harness as well as control the dangers that we are exposed to in daily living. It will then provide enriched mental, physical and even emotional well-being and so go a long way towards alleviating the problems that we have to deal with on a day to day basis.
Alternative medicine also includes the use of various natural therapies that help to bring a better balance into our lives. In fact, complementary and alternative medicine can provide a lot of relief for many people. Complementary medicine is generally used alongside conventional medications and includes activities such as Tai Chi and massages. In the case of alternative medicine, it is used as a substitute for conventional drugs and generally involves seeing a naturopath or homeopath instead of a general physician.
Alternative medicine has much to offer in the way of health tips for getting these problems under control. It has been found to be effective and the success rate is high – far higher than in the case of conventional medicines. It is also very safe to use in most cases. Alternative medicine can be used even if you need to take several different medications. Even if these medications are being taken for treating side effects which often develop after having taken drug-based medicines.
Herbs play an important role in alternative medicine. There are in fact numerous herbal remedies that lend themselves well to treating anxiety and panic disorders. These herbal remedies provide proper nourishment to the nervous system and they also help in calming the mind and relaxing the body. This helps you cope with stress from daily living that much better.
Alternative medicine is based on examining and then correcting faults and deficiencies in how we live from day to day. No doubt, it is not possible to live life without any form of stress or anxiety; however, alternative medicine helps to harness as well as control the dangers that we are exposed to in daily living. It will then provide enriched mental, physical and even emotional well-being and so go a long way towards alleviating the problems that we have to deal with on a day to day basis.
Alternative medicine also includes the use of various natural therapies that help to bring a better balance into our lives. In fact, complementary and alternative medicine can provide a lot of relief for many people. Complementary medicine is generally used alongside conventional medications and includes activities such as Tai Chi and massages. In the case of alternative medicine, it is used as a substitute for conventional drugs and generally involves seeing a naturopath or homeopath instead of a general physician.
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