Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Touching A Nerve: Sciatica Causes

There are many painful conditions that can be experienced by the body. Generally these painful episodes are symptoms of something more serious happening within one particular part or various parts of the human anatomy. For example, if an individual has upper right quadrant pain they may be experiencing gallstones formed by improper diet, too much cholesterol in the bloodstream, etc.

Another part of the anatomy that can cause excruciating pain is associated with the nervous system. Specifically, there are two large nerves that extended down from the nervous system through both the left and the right leg. Subsequently, pain associated with these nerves can be due to a condition called sciatica. Therefore, if wishing to know more about this condition, it is important to know what sciatica is and what some of the causes of sciatica are.

First of all, when talking about sciatica it is important to know that sciatica is not a disease or a malady that affects the individual, but is more of a symptom of something else. Specifically, the pain associated with sciatica generally begins in the lower back area. Often, this pain is due to pressure that is placed on one or both of the sciatic nerves. This pain then radiates down the nerve resulting in discomfort down one or both of the legs.

The symptoms of sciatica vary from individual to individual and are contingent upon the pressure that is being placed on the sciatic nerve. Therefore, the pain can range anywhere from a mild prickly type of sensation to excruciating pain and even may range up to complete immobility for the individual. Additionally, this pain can be experienced in various parts of the leg. Those leg locations can range from the hip to the knee to the back of the leg. Also, numbness is an associated symptom of sciatica.

When answering the question of what causes sciatica is important to know that there are many sciatica causes. The most common sciatica cause is due to a herniated disc within the spinal column. A herniated disc occurs when an individual improperly lifts an object or strains their back. This results in a bulging disc which then can cause pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Another common sciatic cause is due simply to the aging process. Specifically, a nerve disorder associated with an individual who is growing older is a condition called spinal stenosis. Simply put it is a narrowing of the openings found within the spinal column due to aging. When this occurs, the nerves that pass through these openings are compressed or pinched.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Are You Worried About Sciatic Nerve Symptoms?

sPeople that suffer from lower back pain need not worry too much because the numbers of people suffering from such a condition that goes on to develop sciatic nerve symptoms are quite negligible. So, it means that in case you are experiencing lower back pain you must not automatically jump to the conclusion that the pain in your back will lead to developing sciatic nerve symptoms. Sciatica is often brought on when there are problems in a person’s spinal disc. In case you suspect having sciatic nerve symptoms then you need to look for telltale signs such as pain that affects the buttock or legs and sometimes the feet and of course your lower back as well.

Other possible sciatic nerve symptoms include feeling pins and needles kind of sensations and even numbness in your legs or even in the feet. And, you will also notice feeling weak in the legs and feet. Furthermore, sciatic nerve symptoms will vary and how much or how little pain you experience will depend on the kind of nerve root that has become irritated and also by the severity of such irritation.

Depending on how badly your nerves bulge you will feel corresponding amount of pain. Typically, sciatic nerve symptoms are often felt in the last fifth lumbar as well as the first sciatic nerve root that is often referred to as level L5/S1.

Commonly, sciatic nerve symptoms include pain or numbness in the lower back region and also in the legs and the reason for such numbness is a herniated disc which only adds to the pressure on the nerves leading to feeling numbness or having a tingling feeling. The muscles also tend to feel weak around the affected area and this is yet another sign that you have developed a herniated disc.

Without a doubt, pain in the lower back is the most typical of all sciatic nerve symptoms and this kind of pain is believed to affect an estimated seventy percent of the population of the world and of course a person’s damaged or irritated nerves play a major role in causing such pain. In some cases the sciatic nerve symptoms can cause severe pain that will then prevent a patient from standing up and they will feel as if they have been crippled. In other instances, this pain might be of a milder nature and only as bad as a mild inconvenience.

When it concerns identifying pinched sciatic nerve symptoms you can put numbness as well as tingling sensations at the head of the list of symptoms. These symptoms are noticed because the sciatic nerves might have been damaged or even because they have become irritated.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Guide to Sciatica Treatment Exercises

Sciatica describes the pain caused by the irritation of sciatic nerve, and pain is usually felt from the lower back to behind the knee. Sciatic nerve is the largest and biggest nerve in the body, and begins from nerve roots in lumbar spinal cord. Most common cause of sciatica is the disc herniation, directly pressing against the nerve. However, anything that causes the inflammation or irritation of this nerve can produce the symptoms of sciatica. Some of the most common causes include internal bleeding, injury, infection and irritation of the nerve from adjacent bone. Physical examination and medical history are the best ways to diagnose sciatica. Sometimes CAT scan, x-rays, electomyogram and MRI scan are used to further define the causes.

Back stretch is one of the best sciatica treatment exercises, and is quite easy to do. You can lie down on the even surface on your back, and bring both your knees to your chest. Wrap your arms around your legs, and press under your knees. This will give a good stretch to the lower back, and help relieve the sciatic pain. It is important to only stretch as far as you feel comfortable, and make sure never to jerk the body at any given time.

Quad stretch is another excellent sciatica treatment exercise, and it helps alleviate the pain. Lie down flat on the stomach, and bring the right leg up to your buttocks. Grab this leg with your right arm, and try to bring the foot up as close as possible until you feel a full stretch. Hold it for 10-15 seconds, and repeat with the other leg. Make sure that you do all the stretches for both sides of the body. While stretching, take deep breaths and stay calm through the entire process.

Before doing any sciatica treatment exercises, it is important to consult a physical therapist or doctor to determine the source of sciatica pain. The experienced professional can help you design a daily exercise routine to manage the sciatica symptoms.

Another sciatica treatment exercise is to sit on the ground and support your body on the palms. Stretch your feet out in front of you, and keep your back straight. Lower your back on the floor, and fold one of your legs so that the knee now faces your chin. Hold the folded leg and hold for 10-15 seconds. Repeat for other leg.

Torso twisting poses are good sciatica treatment exercises. You can start by sitting on the firm straight backed chair with your knees slightly apart. Twist your torso towards one side and hold for 10 seconds. Now, twist to the other side and hold again.

While doing sciatica treatment exercises, make sure to maintain a good posture, and continue deep breathing.

In addition to doing various sciatica treatment exercises, it helps to make few lifestyle changes. To get the complete idea, you can browse through various internet sites that give the detailed description regarding sciatica symptoms and treatment. You need to choose the treatment based on the symptoms, and affected area.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fighting Teen Smoking

As children reach their teen years, there are certain activities that they are prone to trying as they grow more independent of their parents. Even though they have been taught that smoking is dangerous to their health, they will often try it to feel more grown up, or in response to the peer pressure around them. Teen smoking is a serious issue, as many adults that are addicted to smoking claim to have started when they were in their teen years. The teen smoking developed into a lifelong habit that they find very difficult to quit after years of participating in it and the physical and psychological addiction is firmly in place. There are different programs that help parents to learn how to deal with teen smoking and to equip their children to cope with the peer pressures that they will face during their school careers.

There are some teen smoking issues that come up because the parents smoke. It is difficult to tell a teen not to smoke when one or both of the parents smoke regularly or even at social occasions. The most important aspect of teaching teens not to smoke is to keep the avenues of communication open between the teens and the parents. Even if the parents smoke, they can share the things that affect their health because of smoking and also why it is so difficult for them to stop. Having a teenager who is considering smoking or is starting to smoke can be a reason for the parents to take a serious look at quitting themselves to set an example for their children.

There are also reasons that parents can give their teens who are considering smoking showing them why they should not do it. They can point out that smoking gives them bad breath which will not make them very attractive to friends or to the opposite sex. They can also point out how smoking makes every thing around them smell, such as clothing and cars. Teen smokers will not want to have their complexions marred or have their fingernails or teeth turn yellow, and this can also be a deterrent to them from smoking. For those teens who play sports, pointing out the way that smoking reduces lung capacity and affects their ability to play their favorite sport can also help to deter them from choosing to smoke. There is also the fact that smoking takes a lot of money to support, especially if it becomes a habit. Teen smokers often do not have that kind of cash laying around, with the majority of their earned income going towards gas and entertainment of other sorts.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Choose The Right Elder Care Center For Your Aging Parents

When dad and mom become too old to stay at home on their own, it is your duty to find them a new place to live. You need to find the best elder care center for two of the most important people in your life. To find the right elder care center for mom and dad, here is what you have to do.

Before you choose an elder care center for your parents, you need to ask yourself, “what does mom and dad need to be comfortable and happy?” Remember that your parents have needs and when their needs are not adequately met, they will feel uncomfortable, unhappy and even depressed about their situation. Although your parents may not be so vocal about what they want in an elder care center that does not mean that they do not have their personal preferences. If your paying for the elder care center, your parents may feel uncomfortable about pressing your to put them in a place that could cost you a lot of money. It is therefore up to you to make your parents feel that it is alright for them to choose the place where they want to live.

To get some ideas as to what your parents need, you need to talk to them. Gather some brochures of elder care centers and elder care health centers around the country and discuss the features and amenities that these centers have to offer with your parents. If possible, bring your parents to some of these elder care centers and let them decide if they will comfortable living in any of these places. Give your parents enough time to decide where they want to live. Remember that it is their future that we are talking about here so give them the luxury of time to make decisions.

If your parents are suffering from some age related illnesses, put them is an elder care center that provides good medical support. It would also be wise for you to check out the medical facilities near the elder care center. As much as possible, you should put your parents in an elder care center that is near a good hospital. If you cannot find a good center that is just a few minutes drive from a major hospital in the area, find a center that has easy access to the hospital or medical facilities.

Monday, July 20, 2009

What Is Sciatica?

Sciatica is actually not a condition but is instead a group of signs or symptoms. These set of symptoms is basically a result of the compression or general alteration of one or more of the five nerves which is connected to the sciatic nerve. The compression of this nerve can also result to sciatica. Many people believe that sciatic symptoms are a condition but the realty of it is that these are just ordinary symptoms due to a cause.

The cause is something that needs to be determined by finding out what is compressing or affecting the nerve. This factor, whichever it is, is the one that will need to be treated in order to get rid of sciatica. If any of the symptoms may be experienced by an individual, consulting a doctor may be the best choice since this form of condition is not easy to self diagnose and may be downright dangerous if self diagnosis is done.

The causes of compression and sciatica are varied but all connected to nerve compression or irritation. While it is clear that sciatic symptoms are caused by the irritation, alteration or compression of one or more of five nerves which are connected to the sciatic nerve, the cause of the alteration, compression and irritation may be different sources.

Spinal disc herniation, pregnancy, spinal stenosis and piriformis syndrome may be any of the causes of these set of symptoms. These conditions all have something to do with an alteration in the spinal column in which the five general nerves as well as the sciatic nerve are located. Injury to trigger points and certain lifestyle or work habits may also contribute to sciatica. Sometimes muscle or tissue injury can add to the symptoms and sitting at work for too long may also have an effect on it. Even using a work belt can also be a factor to sciatica if this work habit affects the spinal column and the nerves in question.

Sciatica symptoms are all focus on pain or discomfort in regions from the back and up to the legs. Sciatica is not usually felt all at once in these regions, instead there are regions which may experience pain, numbness, tingling sensation and loss of control or difficulty controlling a leg. Sciatica is usually experienced in just one side of the body but there may be instances when both sides of the body will experience sciatica.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Fast Food Addictions: Quick and Easy

Overcoming a food addiction can be difficult and will often take the use of counseling or support group in order to do so. The biggest problem with any type of addiction is the cycle of the addiction, where the person participates in the addictive behavior, feels good for the moment, plummets to despair when it is over, and uses the addictive behavior to feel good again. Fast food addictions are the same way and a process must be embarked upon to solve the addictive behavior so that the person does not partake in it any more. Fast food addictions are very difficult to break because there are fast food restaurants on practically every street corner, thus making it extremely tempting to go to one. However, there are certain steps that the person can take to help to break the addiction.

There are two keys to overcoming a fast food addiction. The first of these is planning. In order to break any habit, especially one that is instantly rewarding as in the case of a fast food addiction, careful planning has to be put in place. The person who is addicted to food needs to plan when and where the meals they eat will be eaten, and at least for the first six months should probably eat at home or, if eating out is unavoidable, eat in a group atmosphere. The person should also plan the routes that she will take when going on errands or going to and from work so that the favorite fast food places are not passed along the way, thus giving too much temptation to turn in and buy something. Putting sticky notes in the car that remind the person of the positive outcomes of not partaking in the fast food addiction is also helpful when moments are tempting.

The other key factor in overcoming a fast food addiction is to be accountable to someone. This is why the twelve step groups and other similar programs are so successful in helping people to overcome their addictions. There are meetings at least once per week and each person is set up with a sponsor who is further along in the process so that each person can be accountable to someone and can call someone that understands when they are feeling weak. Even if the person does not want to join a group situation, the person still needs to find a friend or counselor to whom they can be accountable throughout the process. Addictions thrive in secrecy, so breaking the secrecy is key to healing.